Secondhand Store Directory

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Welcome to our Secondhand Store Directory. Please help us fill up the map by sharing your favorite places to get secondhand baby gear (click the “suggest a store” button in the top right corner of this page).

We welcome all secondhand stores and regularly occurring consignment, resale and swapping events in our directory.  If you own a consignment, resale or swapping shop or event, take a look at our “Share Encore Baby Registry” page for tools to share our secondhand baby registry with your customers.

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Recently Added Stores

Once Upon A Child, Jacksonville Orange Park

Once Upon A Child, Jacksonville Regency Park


Once Upon A Child, Corpus Christi

Once Upon A Child, Katy

Once Upon A Child, Vacaville

Once Upon a Child, Manchester

Once Upon a Child, Harrisonburg

Once Upon a Child, Brampton

Once Upon a Child, Tracy